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Mbah Dar - fairy tale

Ini tugas waktu kelas Inggris sama Mrs. Pur di IPA 6. 

Once upon a time, there lived a old woman lonely. Her name is Mbah Dar. She lived in Majumundur village.
Mbah Dar was very kind person. She always helped whoever who needed help. Although she was alone, she never felt lonely. Because all of people in the village were love her.
            One day, not too far away from Majumundur village, there was a man and his wife who old pregnant and would to give birth. They was a poor couple. He to intend to asked Mbah Dar helped. And then, the man visited to Mbah Dar house.
            “Mbah, can you help me now?” asked the man after he arrived in Mbah Dar house.
“What can I do for you?” Mbah Dar answered.
“My wife was pregnant and wanna give birth. She very need medical help. But we are not have enough money to go to hospital. Therefore, I visit here to asked your help, Mbah. Help me please.” told the man about his all purposed. While after the man told it, Mbah Dar continue to go to where the man lived.
On the way to the man house, Mbah Dar rather surprised with the way to the man house. They through the jungle that not too far away from the village. Until they arrived in the small hut in the jungle.
“Yeah, this is my house. I lived with my wife in here. And a moment again we will have a baby.” said the man with the deeply moved. Fortunately, Mbah Dar and the man not too long time to arrived to helped the man’s wife to give birth.
Meanwhile, the sweet small girl baby out from the man’s wife’s stomach.
“Alhamdulillah...” said Mbah Dar and the man same time. He looked very happy and relieved. Quickly he said thanks to Mbah Dar who had helped his wife safely. For token a thanks, the man gave Mbah Dar some ginger. “Just it which we have. Please accept this for token a thanks above your kindness,” asked the man.
“Thank you, but I can’t accept this..” refused Mbah Dar.
“Please Mbah, with this, you can remind this moment. And I and my wife never forget your kindness whenever.”
Finally, Mbah Dar accepted the package of ginger. After that she went home. Unthought the ginger was changed to gold. It is so amazing. Maybe it was award for Mbah Dar for her kindness. And after that day, the man and her small family didn’t forget to reply Mbah Dar kindness actively attended Mbah Dar house to accompany her.
                                                                        Amidiana Araminta Aisyah
                                                                                    XII IPA 6 / 05


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